
AH.0-7643-0786-X GERMAN U-BOAT BUNKERS "Yesterday and Today"

Réf. article: AH.0-7643-0786-X

GERMAN U-BOAT BUNKERS "Yesterday and Today"

Along with numerous photographs of the bunkers in use and their structures, this book also offers schematics of the layout of some of the larger U-boat bunkers to be constructed by Germany. Covered are the bunkers of St. Nazaire, Brest, Bordeaux, Lorient, La Palice and others.

Encyclopedie voor modelbouwer met foto's en schetsen over de tot standkoming en organisatie van de Duitse onderzeeboten bunkers tijdens de tweede wereld oorlog.
Afbeeldingen van verschillende onderzeeboot bunkers.
Geschreven door Karl-Heinz en Michael Schmeelke.
ISBN nr.; 0-7643-0786-X
Aantal pagina's

  • 48.
  • 150 foto's.



  • Lang; 27,8 cm.
  • Breed; 21.5 cm.
Notes ()
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AH.0-7643-0786-X GERMAN U-BOAT BUNKERS "Yesterday and Today"

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